Attract Your Person

A 6 month unveiling to find the one.

First thing to ask yourself…

Am I interested or committed?

If you’re only interested to Attract Your Person, you will allow your past to control your present, you will allow your self-image and beliefs to control your actions, you will continue to repeat the same behaviours, thoughts and actions. You will do what’s convenient and easy.

You won’t do what’s necessary to change.

If you choose to be 100% committed to Attract Your Person, you will raise your vibration and upgrade your identity to the new destiny you desire. You will upgrade your knowledge, skills, belief and change habits that are keeping you stuck. You will start to truly live your possible.

Before you continue answer yourself honestly, ‘Am I interested or committed?’

If you are committed then you are ready to work with me.

I get it

It’s a big deal attracting in your person. When I decided I was ready to meet my life partner, I had been sinngle for 4.5 years. I was raising my 2 young children, had just embarked on the journey of starting up a company & was training 7 days a week in preparation to run for Australia. I was super busy from 5am -9pm. Fiercely independent, set in my ways & super fussy about, well everything, especially 'the one'. OMG where, when & how would I start to attract my person? It was a little bit overwhelming.
The important thing was I had committed and made a conscious decision I was ready to Attract My Person.
From that moment, I attracted my person in just 4 months using the steps I will share with you.

I believe your goals are within reach. Your dreams can become a reality even if they seem far away. My life experiences have shown the power of facing fears, following your true self, & living in alignment with your heart. So, are you committed & ready to be bold, brave & believe?

Attract Your Person

Attract Your Person and upgrade your life by embodying these 3 proven steps:

  1. Gain unwavering self-worth through learning to truly prioritise yourself and powerful habits.

  2. Discover what you want by gaining clarity through cleansing all that is not serving you.

  3. Adjust your mindset and develop unshakable belief and become a magnificent manifester to Attract Your Person.

What you get

Once you've committed to Attracting Your Person and joining my program, you receive a 6 month commitment from me, to you including:

  • 8 powerful 1:1 coaching sessions with me

  • Accountability and weekly support

  • Access to my suite of Attract Your Person tools

  • Exclusive access to relevant coaching replays for 6 months

  • Any and all materials associated with the program

  • V.I.P offers to workshops and masterclasses

  • PLUS any other masterclasses that may be created

Not 100% Sure?

I understand.

  1. If you’d like to chat with me 1:1 for a discovery call register a time HERE


  2. Join my next FREE Attract Your Person Master Class where you will:

    • Uncover the 3 keys to attracting your person.

    • Identify how you are tracking and where you'd like to be.

    • Gain one proven tool to support you to attract your person.

    Gorgeous human, YOU deserve to live your wildest dreams and Attract Your Person.

Just like the moon we go through phases of emptiness in order to feel full again and we have shifts in energy and clarity in order to shine.

Kerrie Otto de Grancy